Morris Herald-News
July 8, 2019
Thursday, July 18, kicks off the annual Liberty Arts Festival and #GiveGrundy will be there again!
#GiveGrundy will have two booths this year during the “Creator’s Village” on Friday, July 19, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Grundy County Courthouse lawn. Booth #1 is new for us this year – asking kids to draw what “giving” means to them.
We expect some will draw giving money, some may draw giving items, such as food or clothing, and some may draw giving time as a volunteer or to help someone else.
There is no right or wrong answer, but it definitely gives the adults in children’s lives the opportunity see their influence and to open discussions about the kids’ drawings.
Booth #2 is a repeat of our “GSS Piggy Banks” where kids can decorate three piggy banks – one for Give, one for Save, and one for Spend.
As a child receives money throughout the year, whether for chores or birthdays, we encourage them to use these piggy banks to think about what to do with this money. One industry rule of thumb is 10% give, 20% longterm save, and 70% short-term save/ spend.
We encourage parents to have conversations with their children at home about these piggy banks and what ideas the kids have for how much to put in each bank, what they’re saving up to buy or do (new toy, vacation, clothes, electronics, a birthday gift for a friend), and where they’d like to give their charitable money.
Again, there is no right or wrong answer – it’s all about the conversations with your children. Is your family dedicated to tithing at church? How about buying food for the human food pantry or animal shelter and then delivering it? Do your kids see other kids at school struggling with lunch payments, school supplies or gym shoes? After the conversation with the kids, how does this affect your own giving, saving, spending and volunteer time? We always find it fascinating how children view the world differently than we do … or how the apple does not fall far from the tree.
While visiting with the #Give- Grundy gang, you’ll get to learn more about what each of us 14 partners do for the residents of Grundy County.
The 14 are Community Nutrition Network, Easterseals Jump Start, Exibit Arts Center & Gallery, Grundy Area PADS, Grundy County Housing Authority, Grundy County Veterans Assistance Commission, Grundy-Three Rivers Habitat for Humanity, Illinois Valley Industries, Morris Hospital Foundation & Auxiliary, Morris Downtown Development Partnership, Three Rivers Public Library, We Care of Grundy County, Will- Grundy Medical Clinic and Community Foundation of Grundy County.
As for the Community Foundation of Grundy County, we hope this exercise and conversations help you better define your family philanthropy.
What charitable goals can your family establish that also includes your parents, siblings, and grandparents? What activities do you want to do during your lifetime and what do you want to leave as a legacy in your estate? If you want assistance with these conversations, we’re here to help!
We invite everyone to the Liberty Arts Festival in downtown Morris July 18 to 20. A full schedule of events can be found at downtownmorris. com/event/liberty-arts-festival.
Come see us at our booths on Friday!
• Julianne Buck is the executive director of the Community Foundation of Grundy County

Executive Director