Recently the Morris Area Public Library installed a sensory room using annual funding from the Bowker-Ostrem-Holderman-Meadors Endowment for Lifelong Learning at the Community Foundation of Grundy County. Click here to read more.
But what IS a sensory room and why do we need them?
We asked local mom Brittney Kaluzny to help us find resources to better explain it. Here are three helpful links that we found:
According to Mrs. Kaluzny, “My favorite quote found on edutopia’s blog: ‘We often find that practices designed to meet the needs of the most challenging students in a school are effective for all kids,’ says Peter Poutiatine, Edutopia’s school selection coordinator, who researches successful school practices.”
When you get a chance, we encourage you to visit both the Morris Area Public Library sensory room and the adaptive playground in Coal City built by Mrs. Kaluzny’s group Hope Helps.
We are so proud and excited to grant funds to increase inclusion in Grundy County!