All nonprofits have a list of items they wish they could afford or simply get done. Have you shared that list with donors and the community?
Believe it or not, it can be hard to give money away, sometimes because donors get stuck in a rut and can’t think of new places to give to nor projects to fund.
Nonprofits struggle with telling their story to get donors engaged.
And we all know from our social media experiences that sometimes you just have to say something out loud to catch the right person and build momentum.
We are merging all of that into one project – the Grundy County Nonprofit Wish List. Nonprofits of all shapes and sizes (charities, churches, schools, libraries, etc.) are invited to complete the online survey. CFGC will then compile the results into a directory to share with the community.
It is our hope that donors, movers, and shakers in the community will peruse the directory for something that excites them and that they then take action, whether it’s donating to a project or volunteering to head one up.
Let’s be honest – not every charity interests every donor. And often our society tries to make us feel guilty if we don’t embrace all causes. Let’s not be that way in Grundy County. There are plenty of great nonprofits out there trying to improve the quality of life in our area. The trick is finding the one(s) that are a good match for you, your passions, and your budget.
Please don’t let your nonprofit be left out — please click here to complete the survey by July 30th!