"Business to Business Award" to CFGC!

The Community Foundation of Grundy County is proud to announce that we have been selected as “One of the Best Business to Business Services in Grundy County” for 2017 as voted on through the Morris Herald-News, the Herald-Life, and Shaw Media.  Thank you!


This may sound like a strange award for a non-profit, but we serve for- and non-profit corporations, so it’s fitting!


We serve for-profit corporations by offering them corporate donor advised funds.  We also offer a fast, efficient method of making donations to the charities who have agency endowments with us.  We also collect donations for disaster response, so it’s easy for companies to use our online donation portal in times of disaster.  Many local companies brainstorm with us about activities in the community that they can support through their charitable dollars and volunteer hours.  And by facilitating networks such as the Business Education Council and the Grundy Partnership for Children, we help assure that our county is preparing the best next workforce!


Non-profits are corporate businesses, too, so we support them through our grants.  We also facilitate grants to non-profits from the Donor Advised Funds and Designated Funds that we steward.  We also provide technical support to our non-profit corporation neighbors through “Tools for Success,” National Philanthropy Day events, and more.


We are excited and honored to receive this award – here’s to many more years of service to Grundy County’s business community!