Everyone who is reading this essay is alive. Some may be more fortunate than others, but nonetheless, hearts are beating and lungs are functioning at this very second all over the world. One of the only experiences that has been shared by all eight point one billion people who currently live on Earth is being a baby. Children, especially babies, are vulnerable and need a lot of care that comes at an expense. Imagine being a woman who is pregnant, carrying this life inside you that you do not have the resources to take care of.
This is where Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center comes into play. Here women can get the help they need in a variety of ways. Their team of medical professionals offer pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, while others ensure new parents are getting the support, training, and help needed to raise a child. Living Alternatives H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Parent through Education) program helps not only mothers and fathers to learn parenting skills, but also offers opportunities for new parents to get the supplies and equipment they will need to raise a child. Through earning their “Baby Bucks”, new parents are able to get diapers, clothes, and other supplies that are essential to baby care. Even after the child is born, Living Alternatives helps support babies and parents through the first eighteen months of life.
Unfortunately, sometimes the joy of pregnancy results in a tragic loss. Through Willow Story, Living Alternatives offers perinatal grief support for parents who have lost their child or have been given a prenatal diagnosis. Through this program, parents are given compassion and support, along with help to remember the life of their child. Living Alternatives also gives care to women who have suffered another kind of loss, abortion. Many women are scarred by the memories of an abortion and Living Alternatives offers counseling and mentorship to help women and men continue on their journey and reclaim wounded parts of their past. Through all the care and support they offer, Living Alternatives assists in the most vulnerable times of life.
I believe that Living Alternatives is important to Grundy County because of the care they offer to men and women in need, along with their born and unborn children. As the old proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” This non-profit organization in our “village” of Grundy County does an amazing job not only providing resources and support to mothers and fathers who need help to raise their child, but also being there through the tragedy of loss to support these parents through hard times. Through the resources and support from Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center, new parents can help ensure the newest members of our community the chance to succeed as infants but also to have a strong base to build the rest of their lives.
Grace selected Living Alternatives to receive a grant of $1,000.